Seek To Add Value.
and foremost, FIC creates value by staying focused on small market
enterprises and by playing an active role, as needed, in our portfolio
companies. Our team's unique combination of financial and operational
skills allows us to overcome any challenge, be it issues with strategy,
leadership, financial structure and controls, operational efficiency
and information systems. Having dedicated our attention to the unique
problems of smaller businesses, FIC is
suited to
imagine and implement applicable solutions in this niche.
In addition to our focus, FIC adds value by being flexible and creative when
structuring transactions. Structures that both align the interests of all parties
and produce win-win outcomes promote long-term value creation. When there are
changes in ownership, a good deal structure allows a smooth, value-preserving
transition. No two companies face identical circumstances; consequently, in order
to consistently deliver results beneficial to everyone, FIC customizes transactions
according to the unique needs of all the parties.
Finally, FIC also adds value to transactions by evaluating deals quickly and
decisively. By keeping its small business focus, FIC remains free of the constraints
that restrict the ability of other capital sources to serve this niche as efficiently.

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